Texturepack-Ultra-for-Quake-DarkPlaces -------------------------------------- From: Rygel unknown_ivy@hotmail.com ------------- Installation: ------------- -install Quake first :-) -install Darkplaces -install Darkplacesmod -there you go to the dpmod/maps folder and delete the files b_exbox2.bsp and b_explob.bsp -there you go to the dpmod/progs folder and delete the files v_dplight.mdl,v_dpnail.mdl, v_dpnail2.mdl,v_dprock.mdl,v_dprock2.mdl,v_dpshot.mdl und v_dpshot2.mdl -then you install the Texturepack, files allow to overwrite If a new version of the Darkplacesmod comes out, -execute it only somewhere else there and names it around, for example, dpmod1 -then as on top described the files extinguish -now you go to the dpmod/maps folder of Quake and copy b_batt0.bsp,b_batt1.bsp,b_bh10.bsp, b_bh25.bsp,b_bh100.bsp,b_nail0.bsp,b_nail1.bsp,b_rock0.bsp,b_rock1.bsp,b_shell0.bsp and b_shell1.bsp in dpmod1/maps folder,overwrite the files. -then you go to the dpmod/progs folder of Quake and copy a_rock4.mdl,a_rock8.mdl,a_shell1.mdl and a_shell2.mdl in dpmod1/progs folder,overwrite the files. -now you can rename dpmod1 in dpmod, then overwrite the dpmod in the Quake direcory,its ready. Now you install the Texturepack -simply give the folder of Quake The Texturemod requires 3.34 GB free space on your computer. -------- The Texturepack is for highend PC´s and supports Offsetmapping, reliefmapping et cetera. The textures are also effective in the resolution from 1920x1200 and higher very well, under it of course. I have problems with the memory, there get I an error message. Because the textures are high dissolved becomes, the memory is Very full. deswgen I had to put the Texturequality in Options "Change video mode" Texture Quality on "1", the textures do not look so great, but now the mistake of the memory does not come any more. Sorry differently it does not go with me. My system: WinXP Pro-Sp2,2 Gig ram,Geforce 7600gs 256 MB ram -------- You must put the highest quality of the textures with "Change video mode" Texture Quality on "0". If I only recommended if her a very fast PC have with a lot of ram and graphic card with at least 512 mb of memory and more. other console: -------------- gl_picmip 0 0=best quality 1=a little worse quality If you change it in the menu or in the console, you must restart Quake once more, or vid_restart give. have in autoexec.cfg gl_picmip "1" stand Texturepack ----------- -all textures have been changed -normalmaps with alpha channel,so have left out the bumpmaps -menu with hud, conback et cetera -sky box -weapons -ammo,boxes Offestmapping ------------- console: r_glsl 1 off=0 on=1 Aktivate the Opengl2.0 Pixel shader r_glsl_offsetmapping 1 off=0 on=1 Aktivate Offsetmapping r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale 0.05 0.00 to 0.16 or higher how high the textures from stand (would not go only to 0.06 more) offsetmapping is activated in autoexec.cfg skybox ------ console: loadsky sky1 loadsky sky4 autoexec.cfg is present, there one loads sky1 with "F7" and sky4 with "F8" ----- I use ----- -Quake ver. 1.08 -Darkplaces http://www.icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/ -darkplacesenginewindowsonly20070711.zip -darkplacesmod20070707.zip -deluxemaps_id1.pk3 -rtlights and cubemaps by KGB|romi http://www.kgbsyndicate.com/romi/ -MINDGRID:AUDIO http://www.mindabuse.com/mindgrid/audio/quake/ My config.cfg file is in the folder cfg for quake and dpmod, because of options. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have the original textures from here -------------------------------------- credits: - Yves ‘evillair’ Allaire http://www.planetquake.com/hfx - Debaser Texture Set v1 Jon "Starbuck" Miles http://hosted.planetquake.gamespy.com/starbuck/ - http://www.quake.cz/winclan/qe1 - Quake Retexture Project http://facelift.quakedev.com/ Urgefor RaRe Up2nOgOoD[ROCK] Primevil My-Key & the QRP team. - Aerowalk Textures Pez/Mortuality - CTF & EXMX Map Texture Pak 4-5-06 http://www.quakeone.com/ctfre/ woodsk7 - Randy's Quake Textures - QExpo Style andrewjoll@gmail.com - Alexander "_argv[-1]" E-mail: alex@aoi.dyndns.org http://aoi.dyndns.org/~alex/ - free textures by William Smith, Mayang Murni Adnin http://www.mayang.com/textures/ - Filter Forge http://www.filterforge.com/ - IdSoftware www.idsoftware.com - MoonDrunk http://web.telia.com/~u47016112/quake - Ruohis http://quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=312&p=1 http://www.kolumbus.fi/ruohis/home.htm - n30g3n3s1s http://quakeremodeled.planetquake.gamespy.com/index.html - Jose "Jaj" Arcediano www.planetquake.com/jaj - LordHavoc http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/download.html#quickguide If I have forgotten somebody is sorry me very much and was none intention, to thanks I might use the textures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To very big ones thank goes of course to the best german Doom\Quake side http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/ which I was allowed to do the Texturepack upload and to the users in the forum :-)).