date: 22nd July 2000. Quake3Arena map object model ==================================================== title: Plant Model Pack I, tropical plants file: multiplant.pk3 author: todd gantzler email address: URL: description: a 54 poly multiplant model with 8 different skins/shaders (in 8 different .md3 files) ==================================================== model information most of these plants use a basic shader with simple GE128 transparency (ferns use an invisible shader to eliminate some geometry) multiplant.md3 a plant whose name i don't remember multiplant_b.md3 a banana plant multiplant_f.md3 a fern multiplant_f2.md3 another fern multiplant_p.md3 a somewhat battered palm multiplant_p2.md3 another palm multiplant_a.md3 another plant multiplant_e.md3 an evil plant meant to hurt the player on contact two shader passes plus lightmap, vertex deformation how to use place multiplant.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder choose one of the multiplant models from the model menu in Q3Radient ==================================================== construction base: none editor: 3DStudioMAX r3.1 other progs: Pop'n'Fresh .md3 exporter know bugs: may consume carbon dioxide, add oxygen to your arena build time: a couple of hours of model building, about a week of shader/texture tuning ==================================================== thanks to ... Fatmanfat for shader advice and assistance Brok3n and Froggyquim for artistic feedback the folks at the quake3world level editing and editing and modifications forums for shader info and general technical assistance. thanks to Rungy in particular for technical info. ==================================================== Distribution / Copyright / Permissions you may use these models, textures, and shaders in your maps. you may extract and use just the files you need. please include the following information in your readme file: multiplant.pk3 - .md3, texture, and shader files by Todd Gantzler Copyright (c) 2000 ____________________________________________________ all original artwork Copyright (c) 2000 All rights reserved. based on shader files from Quake III Arena Copyright (c) 1999 id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. This file may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE THE FILE OR THE CONTENTS OF THIS FILE TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ====================================================