April 27th, 2005 ================================================================ Model Name : QForcer installation directory : quake3/baseq3/tabun_qforcer.pk3 Author : Tabun Sounds : [none yet, anyone fancy a go?] Email Address : tabun@planetquake.com Website URL : http://www.tabun.nl [and] http://www.wireheadstudios.org/generations Model description : This is the Q3 version of my interpretation of a Quake enemy: The Enforcer. It was made from scratch, and is an ODE to the original, not an attack or attempt to do injustice. Believe it or not, this fellow was my favourite enemy in that game :] Add. Credits/Thanks : To Good Old P. Steed, for sharing his .bip files. Couldn't have done the animation as quickly or smoothly without 'em. Also, his Thinking Outside of The Box was great for refreshing that long-lost Physique knowledge ;] ================================================================ * Play Information * New Sounds : NO CTF Skins : YES LODS : NO * Construction * Poly Count : 1345 Vert Count : 721 Skin Count : 1 (plus red and blue versions) Base info : All made from scratch, excepting the animations, which are based on Steeds .bips. Software used : 3D Studio max, Photoshop, Npherno's toolkit Known Bugs : [none so far] Build/Animation time : A week or two, off and on. * Copyright / Permissions * QUAKE(R) and QUAKE III(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. I'm sure this character is protected by said trademarks or I.P. laws, so be sure not to use it for anything before checking with both me and id Software. You know the drill. Don't use without asking, don't edit without begging, and don't even think of re-releasing anywhere without my explicit permission. ================================================================ Greets, Tabun