11/20/2005 Name: evillair's Quake4 eX Texture Set v256 Short Name: eX256 Author: Yves Allaire aka "evillair" Email: admin@evillair.net URL: http://evillair.net ============================================================================================= [Description] Simple Quake 4 texture set in a tech base style. This is the scaled down 256 version. ============================================================================================= [Instructions] Extract the .zip file into your "q4base" folder. >> Suggested usage: >> I'd encourage you to make your own directories for my textures for your map like so ... >> "q4base/textures/mymapname/" (place my textures under "mymapname".) >> "q4base/materials/mymapname.mtr" Add my mtr file here. Making sure to edit the paths in the original shader file. (Find\Replace "/eX256/" to "/yourmapname/" (no quotes))) ============================================================================================= [Thanks] Everyone who had kind words to say about my other sets. Everyone who has used/will use my textures in their maps. This is why I make them. :) ============================================================================================= [Copyright/Permissions] -You may edit the material file (.mtr file) as you see fit. -You may change the color of any "texturename.blend.tga" or hue to fit the style of your map. -You may use these texture in your maps/mods/tc's as long as you give me credit. -You may not edit, modify any textures within this archive unless given permission to do so by the author unless specified above. -You may convert these textures to other game formats but only with the author's permission (me). QUAKE, QUAKE II and QUAKE3:ARENA and Quake 4 are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc & Raven Software. ============================================================================================= Enjoy! and thanks again... =============================================================================================