Monday, December 04, 2000 Name: Texture set: e6 Author: Yves Allaire aka evil lair Email: URL: [Description] Quake 3: Arena texture set in a sci-fi industrial space station theme. [Usage] The shader files are seperated so you can easily edit them and copy/past them into your own shader file for release of your maps. [Thanks] Maj ( for helping me with the .shader files. You the man! :) Bal ( for the help on how quake3 specific textures are used, since I cannot test them in a map editor. (Maybe when they make a Mac Q3 editor!! ;) Everyone who had kind words to say about my other texture sets and the folks at the Level Editing Forum. Everyone who has used/will use my textures in their maps. This is why I make them. :) [Stuff] Sorry for the lack of CTF textures, I just didn't have enought time to make a decent set of them. And the ones I did make didn't turn out too good. :\ Maybe next time. If you use any of the textures please email me with the url to some screenshots if possible. I really would like to see what uses mappers have made of them. [Copyright/Permissions] -You may not edit, modify any textures within this archive unless given permission to do so by the author. -You may not use these textures as base for your own. -You may convert these textures to other game formats but only with the author's permission. -You may rename the textures. -You may use these texture in your maps/mods/tc's as long as you give me credit. -I encourage you to edit the .shader to suit your needs. QUAKE, QUAKE II and QUAKE3:ARENA are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.