Made by me, driven by you?

Author : Kevin 'Rorshach' Johnstone (
webs : [current] - [old]

Usage : Place the PK3 file in Quake3/Baseq3 folder, load in Q3R texture window

Info : I made this texture set for Headhunters3 (
They are for everyones use. The hope of seeing the work i did become a building
block for the community to make some levels with a 'different' style is what has
made me release them.

I look foward to seeing what you all make. They can be used by any individual or
Mod/ TC / clan etc as long as its not to make money. If you want to make money or
enter a competition with a large prize im afraid thats a no no unless you want
to split the prize with me.


Request: Many of these textures have alpha channels. IF you produce good shaders
for use with these, please send me a copy when finalised so that they also may
be shared around for the benefit of the community.
